Proaction Lab hosts the first edition of CRANIO workshop

The CRANIO - Coimbra-Regensburg Advanced NeuroImaging WOrkshop - is an intensive neuroscience training that has been running during this week. Students from the Regensburg University, in Germany, have joined the Proaction Lab team last Monday and together they have been developing their skills on neuroimaging techniques.
Proaction Lab research is in Cortex cover

Research from the Proaction Lab about how our brain works as a network was the theme of the August edition's cover of Cortex journal.
Papers Out From Important Collaborations

We got a series of papers out from important collaborations. Our first paper on the effects of tDCS at the systems level is out in Cortex (Almeida et al, 2017). We also have a paper out in Neuropsychologia (Chen et al, 2017), where we explore how representations in the ventral temporal cortex are dependent on processing elsewhere.