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Surviving the quarantine with the Proaction Lab: 3 movies about memory

Surviving the quarantine with the Proaction Lab: 3 movies about memory

Brain related subjects have always been an interesting theme for the general public and quite often portrayed in cinematographic works. Memory is a particularly intriguing subject because it can influence a lot our future decisions. Whether the movie describes a real-based condition or creates some sci-fi ones, there’s no doubt it could lead to some interesting plots. Keep reading to find out three suggestions of memory-related movies!



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Surviving the quarantine with the Proaction Lab: brainy recipes

Surviving the quarantine with the Proaction Lab: brainy recipes

If you're reading this, it is likely that you're currently on isolation, limiting social encounters and staying home as much as possible. For this reason, we will keep updating our News section and social media with some neuroscience-related entertainment suggestions that you can enjoy in your home. This is our second post and it's for the food lovers. Read this to check two of our special brain-shaped recipes.

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We're looking for postdoctoral candidates!

We're looking for postdoctoral candidates!

Are you (or someone you know) interested in applying to a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF) to work on object perception and recognition using neuroimaging, behavioral and computational approaches (fMRI, 256 ch EEG, MRI/EEG fusion, tDCS, DNNs, etc)? A MSCA-IF can be a great boost to your career if you are looking for a prestigious Fellowship that allows you to pursue your own independent research!!

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Surviving the quarantine with the Proaction Lab: Netflix documentaries

Surviving the quarantine with the Proaction Lab: Netflix documentaries

If you're reading this, it is likely that you're currently on quarantaine our limiting social encounters and staying home as much as possible. You might be even working or studying from home. And that's good. But spending so much time inside can be frustrating because you can't often figure out what to do. Everything seems boring. We are going to help you out with this: in the following days, we will be sharing our favourite neuroscience-related movies, tv shows, documentaries, anime, books and much more. You'll have plenty of suggestions to ease your pain during these times. We will start with Netflix documentaries!

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POSTPONED **** Brain Awareness Week: How do scientists see inside your brain?

POSTPONED **** Brain Awareness Week: How do scientists see inside your brain?

This event is postponed due to the UC's COVID19 contingency plan. 

Have you ever heard of Magnetic Resonance Imaging? Are you curious about it? Proaction Lab is setting an open talk about it in Coimbra. Join us!

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