Named “Action at a distance on object-related ventral temporal representations”, the paper that is the cover of the most recent edition of Cortex journal is the result of research done by Jorge Almeida and Dongha Lee from PROACTION Lab and Bradford Z. Mahon from Carnigie Mellon University. Following the research line of the project ContentMAP - that aims studying the way information is "mapped" in the human brain - the published work shows how the brain functions as a network, by sharing information in a very fast way.
Our researchers found that although the information may be processed in a certain area of the brain, the visual information we acquire by observing objects is also managed in physically distant areas. "This discovery is important because it confirms that information processing is not just local but global. This process depends on other distant areas that process the same kind of information", points out Jorge Almeida.
Read more about this news in portuguese here.