Proaction Lab hosted together with CNC - Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, its first science cafe, under the Science and Technology Week theme. The event "Brain: past, present and future" was held in Aqui Base Tango pub, with the goal to have an informal conversation about the challenges in neuroscience research, from old discoveries to new exciting possibilities. The event had two guests: André Peres, a post-doctoral researcher at the Proaction Lab, working on information processing in the brain, and Ana Luísa Cardoso, an assistant researcher at the CNC, focused on cellular mechanisms. The room was full, with a great audience, prompt to ask several questions. The two researchers and the audience explored the theme in different ways, from trying to define what consciousness is, passing through the understanding on how the brain is wired and how we perceive things, to imagining the possible knowledge yet to be learned in the field.
The Science and Technology Week finishes officially on the 30th of November, with Proaction Lab having participated successfully with two activities: this Science Cafe, and an Open Day.