From 24th until 30th of November the Science and Technology Week is being celebrated in Portugal. To mark the occasion, the Proaction Lab had an Open Day, having received 21 curious participants. "It was a pleasure to organise this Open Day", said Jorge Almeida, the head of the lab. "It is great to see that people are interested in what we do".
The activity was meant to show how the scientists work in their workplace and helped to open the conversation to the general public, erasing the misconceived image of the closed scientist. It was also an opportunity for people to see the recently inaugurated facilities, which now have some big projects running. "It was a nice idea to bring people over", said Guilherme Garcia, one of the researchers. "It is very important to communicate with the population because science, to a large extent, is publicly funded”.
The Proaction Lab will have another activity on the 28th, Thursday, regarding the mentioned thematic week. This time it will be a science cafe with the researcher André Peres from the lab and Ana Luísa Cardoso from CNC – Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology.