This event is postponed due to the UC's COVID19 contingency plan.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is currently one of the most used techniques in research and medicine. Under the celebration of the Brain Awareness Week 2020, on the 17th of March, Proaction Lab and FNAC Coimbra, organize an informal conversation entitled “How Science sees the brain: the magnetic resonance imaging”. This week we aim to raise awareness for the importance of scientific research targeting our favourite human organ.
We want to explore what it is, how does it work and clarify if it is dangerous. We invited three guests: Filipe Palavra, a neuro pediatrician at the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (C.H.U.C), and the neuroscientists Daniela Valério and Giuliana Giorjiani, researchers at the Proaction Lab, working on visual information processing in the brain. The event is appropriate for everyone regardless of their background. The entrance is free but registration is required through this form.
Meet us in FNAC Forum Coimbra on 17th March for a nice conversation on how to see the brain by the eyes of scientists! The event will be spoken in Portuguese